Search engine Brave has announced a big update in which its 'Search' will help users find answers to whatever they are searching about online. The company in a blog post said, the search engine now “synthesises information from multiple sources into a single, intelligible answer to almost any query.” This new feature is named "Answer with AI" and it displays the answers to your queries in a clean and neatly arranged format. Brave had said that it can also help summarise reviews and highlight the unique points of different locations like a restaurant.

This feature offers almost instant answers by citing sources alongside traditional search results and works irrespective of the browser and platform that you choose to use. It also seems to be an upgrade to the 'Summarise' feature of the search engine which was introduced last year.

Answers with AI will automatically showcase the search results in a summarised format, however, it can also be triggered manually, especially for the searches that do not fit into Brave’s predefined search parameters.

The company has said that the new feature uses a combination of large language models (LLMs) with Mixtral 8x7B and Mistral 7B as primary models alongside custom LLMs.

Will AI-Powered Searches Impact The Internet Negatively? Here's What Brave Has To Say

In the past few months, a number of reports have reiterated that AI-powered searches could negatively impact the internet. Brave on the other hand has said that they are using AI to offer answers and they are aware of the fact that this approach might hurt publishers who are putting out quality content.

In contrast to this, other renowned search engines such as Google and Bing have already rolled out AI-powered answers. Notably, Google’s Search Generative Experience is already available as an experimental feature in Google Labs. At the same time, companies like Perplexity and appear to use AI as an alternative to traditional search queries.