A pioneering Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) company, QX Lab AI, on Friday launched an app for Android, Ask QX. It is a hybrid generative AI platform which has been developed with the vision of making AI more accessible to the Indian masses. QX Lab AI claims Ask QX to be the first to have a node-based architecture. It is a fully functional, multi-lingual Indian AGI app which is available across more than 100 languages out of which 12 are Indian. Ask QX already has a user base of 8 million people. So far, the Beta version is free for everyone, however, after the launch of the Premium version, users will have to pay $1 per month to access it. The premium version will be launched in 3 months from now.
It has been launched for Android now and soon in the coming months a launch for iOS users will also follow.
The web platform and app are available in 100+ languages, out of which 12 are Indian (Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi & Assamese).
The race to develop Large Language Models in order to emerge as the King of AI is going on across the globe and Ask QX is India's answer to it. It has neurologically trained algorithms in 100 plus languages and is built on a hybrid model i.e., 30 per cent Large Language Model (LLM) and 70 per cent Neural Network Architecture.
Neural network in simpler words is the subset of machine learning which is designed to mimic the processing power of a human brain. It operates through a series of interconnected layers that transform input data into meaningful representations. The input layer receives the raw data, which is then passed through one or more hidden layers that perform mathematical computations.
Future For Ask QX
The capabilities of the platform for now cater to diverse user needs including neural-based services. Gradually, it will include all features like Text-to-image, Text-to-Code, Text-to-Video, for Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B), and Business-to-Institution (B2I) cohorts with use cases in diverse sectors like Healthcare, education and legal services among others.
Its revolutionary neural architecture offers unprecedented scalability for the product. This infrastructure not only reduces overall computational power costs but at the same time, it also amps up platform security by creating a protective shield against potential data breaches.
The goal for Ask QX is to soon have a user base of 100 million people.
Renowned data centre leader Yotta Infrastructure Solutions LLP has partnered with Ask QX and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with QX Lab AI for an India infrastructure partnership.
Founders On The Launch Of Ask QX
Co-founder and CEO, of QX Lab AI, Tilakraj Parmar, shared some details about the vision of the company and said, "This innovative platform is strategically designed to democratize access to AI for the Indian populace, seamlessly integrating artificial intelligence into their daily lives to enhance overall value. Conceived after eight years of dedicated effort and meticulous development, Ask QX boasts unparalleled language proficiency and accuracy across multiple Indian languages. Our vision for Ask QX is to bridge the existing gap, ensuring that the transformative potential of AI is accessible to all, not limited to a privileged few."
Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, of QX Lab AI, Arjun Prasad, on this occasion, said, "We have strategically forged partnerships across both the public and private sectors in India, which we will be announcing soon, and are excited about bridging the AI gap between India and Bharat."
While highlighting the importance of technology, Co-founder and Chief Scientist, of QX Lab AI, Tathagat Prakash, said, "Ask QX is the world's first Gen AI platform to access and leverage an astounding neural network architecture along with advanced security measures and stringent compliance protocols. The unique node-based infrastructure and data residence within India, not only enhance security but also operate more cost-effectively, showcasing our commitment to offering subscription models tailored to different user segments."