Apple WWDC 2024: Apple is gearing up for the grand reveal of iOS 18 at the upcoming WWDC event, slated to commence on June 10. Sources suggest that this latest iteration of the operating system is poised to introduce cutting-edge AI functionalities, possibly under the moniker "Apple Intelligence." A Bloomberg report indicate that iOS 18 will predominantly leverage on-device processing, harnessing the formidable power of iPhone chips to deliver expedited computations and bolstered privacy measures.

Nonetheless, certain AI services are expected to lean on cloud computing for optimal performance.

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Exclusive To iPhone 15?

An intriguing revelation from the report suggests that the touted AI capabilities will be exclusive to the iPhone 15 Pro models and the forthcoming iPhone 16 series. Regrettably, older iPhone models will not be compatible with these advanced features.

Similarly, iPads and Macs will necessitate at least the M1 chip to access the AI functionalities. The public rollout of iOS 18 alongside the iPhone 16 is anticipated later in the fall season.

AI-Driven Content Summary, More iOS Features

According to insights gleaned from leaks, iOS 18 promises a plethora of AI-driven enhancements. Notable among these is the prospect of content summarisation, facilitating swift digests of articles and web pages within Safari, as well as aiding in the consolidation of meeting notes, text messages, and emails. Additionally, a novel catch-up feature aims to streamline the assimilation of missed notifications.

AI To Help Out Replies

Another compelling addition is the reply suggestions feature, poised to autonomously generate comprehensive responses to emails and text messages, thereby augmenting user convenience and productivity. Moreover, Siri is slated for a significant overhaul, bolstered by expansive language models to enable nuanced control over individual app functionalities and actions.

Users can anticipate directing Siri to undertake tasks such as email deletion, photo editing, or news article summarisation, with prospects for integration with third-party apps in the foreseeable future. However, complete implementation is expected to transpire in the subsequent year.

Xcode To Get AI Edge

Furthermore, Xcode, Apple's esteemed software development environment, is slated to receive AI enhancements akin to Microsoft's GitHub Copilot, furnishing developers with automated code completion capabilities.

A comprehensive release for third-party developers is on the horizon for the forthcoming year. Not to be overlooked is the anticipated revamp of the Mail app, featuring a Gmail-esque function for automatic message categorisation.

AI Emojis, Photos Update

A feature likely to resonate with the younger demographic is the advent of AI-generated emojis, promising real-time customisation options for a more diverse array of expressive choices compared to the current standardised library. Additionally, Voice Memos is set to benefit from AI-driven transcription capabilities, akin to those observed in Google Pixel devices and third-party applications, thereby amplifying its utility.

The Photos app is also poised for a significant overhaul, integrating novel AI functionalities into photo editing processes to streamline tasks such as image enhancement and object removal.