Union Home Minister today inaugurated a two-day G20 conference on "Crime and Security in the Age of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Metaverse" in Gurugram During his address at the opening session, Shah highlighted the significance of multilateral cooperation in safeguarding nations against emerging cyber threats. In a statement prior to the conference, the Home Minister emphasised that the G20 cybersecurity conference would witness extensive deliberations among G20 countries, nine special invitee countries, and domain experts.

The primary objective of the conference is to foster global partnerships to combat cybercrimes and establish safer cyberspace by addressing a broad spectrum of cybersecurity concerns.

"Multilateral cooperation is the key to success in securing nations from emerging threats to cyber security," Shah tweeted.

The Ministry of Home Affairs considers the development of a 'cyber safe India' as one of its foremost priorities, as guided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and led by Shah. The government is committed to ensuring the security of cyberspace and will actively work towards building effective strategies and collaborations to combat cyber threats.

The conference serves as a platform for international stakeholders to share insights, exchange best practices, and formulate robust frameworks to tackle the evolving challenges posed by NFTs, AI, and the metaverse. With the rapid advancement of technology, it is crucial to stay ahead of cybercriminals and adapt security measures to safeguard critical digital infrastructure.

By fostering multilateral cooperation, nations can collectively address the complexities of cybersecurity and enhance their capabilities to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber threats. The G20 conference aims to lay the groundwork for collaborative efforts in countering cybercrimes and reinforcing global security.

As the conference progresses, delegates will engage in fruitful discussions, explore innovative solutions, and establish partnerships to strengthen the collective resilience against cyber threats. The outcome of the conference will contribute to the ongoing efforts in creating a secure and trusted digital ecosystem.

The Ministry of Home Affairs remains dedicated to leveraging the expertise and resources of various stakeholders, both domestically and internationally, to foster a cyber-safe environment. The conference marks an important step towards enhancing global cybersecurity and ensuring the protection of critical digital infrastructure in an increasingly interconnected world.

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