Intangible cultural heritage (ICH) represents the traditions, practices, and knowledge that make a community. From folktales and music to traditional craftsmanship and kitchen- arts, ICH is the culture passed down through generations. However, safeguarding this heritage brings a unique challenge. Unlike tangible artefacts housed in museums, monuments, and literature, ICH can easily fade away with time. 

We have long relied on stories and customs to preserve such abstract forms of heritage.  

At the same time, we also know that the verbal passing of culture is not very accurate. The childhood memory of Chinese Whispers, where one word would turn out to be something different, is a perfect example. Also, the huge amount of data and lack of enough hands and brains adds to the problems. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes up as the solution. 

The digitalisation of ICH has been underway for many years, with efforts focused on creating archives of recordings, photographs and videos. However, AI gives even better chances. According to a UNESCO report,  AI can automate tasks, understand large amounts of data, and identify patterns that humans might miss. Being a machine, it never gets tired and can combine with our tireless efforts to carry out this big mission. 

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This paves the way for several use cases:

Automated Archiving and Speech Recognition: The digital age has seen a data explosion in ICH materials. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, cultural institutions around the world hold over 8 billion cultural objects in their collections, most of which is intangible heritage. These materials include recordings, photographs, videos, and text documents, but summarising and using such loads of information can be hard. That is when AI comes to the rescue. It can automate the process of transcribing oral histories, interviews, and musical performances, creating a digital archive that can be searched easily. 

For example, the Shoah Foundation uses AI to transcribe stories from Holocaust survivors, which makes sure that their experiences reach us all. The Library of Congress is another such organisation that is using AI to transcribe historical documents. This is making a large amount of information reach researchers and the public.

  • Enhanced Search and Discovery: AI-powered search engines can crawl through lots of digitised ICH data. This helps users to find specific cultural practices, instruments, or even variations in storytelling styles across regions. From bedtime stories and lullabies to dramatic legends, AI is there to find what you need. 

  • Interactive Learning Experiences: AI can mould learning as per the needs of the learner. Imagine a virtual reality app where users can learn a traditional weaving technique from a master craftsperson or participate in a simulated historical event. AI can also be used to understand museum visitor data to understand details about visitors and their choices. A 2022 study by the Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainability shows the same. This data can then be used to make more targeted and interesting things in the museum. 

These are just a few examples. AI's impact is more than just preservation. Here's how it helps to spread the knowledge of ICH and give it a new life:

  • Supporting Endangered Languages: AI can help in uplifting lost or less spoken languages. It can understand existing recordings and texts to identify patterns and remake grammar rules. A 2022 study by Hindawi highlights how AI's natural language processing capabilities can be used to understand and translate traditional stories. It will help us build awareness and respect towards each other's cultures. 

  • AI-powered Education Tools: Interactive applications powered by AI can make learning about ICH interesting for the youth. Educational games that teach traditional songs or folktales in a fun and interactive way. What else do you need to engage children who usually don't sit still at a place? Consequently, a 2023 IDC report on global education technology says funding to put AI in the education system will only increase. It is supposed to reach USD 8.6 billion by 2026.

  • Conversing with AI Bots: AI-powered assistants can be programmed to play the role of a cultural master like a yoga guru, a know-all granny or a samurai sensei! This can help provide a nice learning environment.

On the mission to preserve and spread the knowledge of Intangible Cultural Heritage, AI has got us all covered. However, we cannot forget ethics and morals while employing AI for ICH. We should preserve culture, not exploit it. Glories and stories, skits and secretive bits, dance moves and music grooves, sciences and random nuances, all must be preserved for the greater good, and AI is serving as a sought-after partner! 

(The author is the CEO & Founder of Tagbin Services Pvt Ltd)

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