5G, the next-gen telecom service that promises broadband-like Internet speeds on mobiles, and artificial intelligence (AI), which can help automate and simplify complex tasks, are leading conversations now, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a post-Budget webinar on the subject, 'Unleashing the Potential: Ease of Living Using Technology' on Tuesday. PM Modi outlined the massive digital infrastructure being created in India to help ensure that the positive impact of the digital revolution reaches every corner of the country.

PM Modi said that AI and 5G are poised to transform sectors such as medicine, education, agriculture, and many more. He urged stakeholders to identify 10 problem areas that are impacting the common man, which can be solved by AI.

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The Prime Minister asserted that technology will help India become a developed nation by 2047. He added that the government plans to assist small businesses by reducing compliance costs. He urged the industry to formulate a list of compliances that can be "pruned." "We have finished 40,000 compliances," he said.

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PM Modi said, "We used technology to make the tax system faceless, and to address problems faced by taxpayers." He added that technology is being leveraged to bring in a qualitative difference in the lives of citizens.

India is creating a modern digital infrastructure, and ensuring that benefits of digital revolution reach everyone, he noted. Technology formed the base of One Nation One Ration, he said adding that the JAM trinity — which is a combination of Jan Dhan Yojana, Aadhaar, and Mobile number — helped in giving benefits to the poor.

He said that the 21st century is driven by technology, and one can't restrict it to just digital, Internet tech.

(With inputs from PTI)