Tamizhaga Vetri Kazhagam (TVK) founder and prominent Tamil actor Vijay voiced his strong opposition to the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) on Wednesday, expressing his support for the resolution passed by the Tamil Nadu Assembly seeking an exemption for the state from the central qualifying test.

Speaking at an event organized to honour top-performing students of classes 10 and 12, Vijay argued that the introduction of NEET has severely disadvantaged students in Tamil Nadu, particularly those from economically weaker sections and backward classes in rural areas. He emphasized that education should be transferred to the State List to better serve local needs, according to a report on PTI.

"NEET has badly affected students in Tamil Nadu, especially the poor, those from backward and very backward classes in rural areas, in their pursuit of medical education," Vijay stated. He criticized the shift of education to the Concurrent List in 1975, arguing that it undermines states' rights.

Vijay also questioned the fairness of a central exam like NEET for students who have studied under state syllabi and in local languages. He highlighted the disparity between the state-specific curriculum and the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) curriculum on which NEET is based.

"There cannot be 'one nation, one curriculum.' Curriculum should be state-specific. It should give importance to different perspectives. Diversity is a strength, not a weakness," Vijay asserted, as per the report. He pointed out the difficulties faced by rural students in adapting to the NEET syllabus and the reports of irregularities that have marred its credibility.

"After seeing some reports of irregularities in NEET, its credibility has gone. We have understood NEET is no more required. The solution is an exemption for Tamil Nadu from the test. I wholeheartedly support the Tamil Nadu Assembly resolution seeking exemption for the state," he added.

Vijay urged the central government to respect the sentiments of the people of Tamil Nadu regarding NEET and act promptly to grant the exemption.