A Principal Sessions Court sent Tamil Nadu Minister Senthil Balaji to judicial custody till June 28 in connection with a money laundering case on Wednesday. Minister Senthil Balaji was arrested by Enforcement Directorate in the wee hours of Wednesday after an 18-hour search at his residence and office. After the arrest, when ED quizzed the Minister, he reportedly complained of chest discomfort and was taken to Multi Super Speciality Government Hospital in Omandurar. 

According to ANI, “Tamil Nadu Minister Senthil Balaji sent to judicial custody till June 28 by Sessions Court, in connection with a money laundering case.”

ALSO READ: TN Minister In ED Custody: Stalin Slams ED For 'Inhumane' Treatment, Oppn Unites Against 'Politics of Intimidation'

Principal Sessions Judge Alli visited the hospital and ascertained the health condition of the Minister. She also remanded him in judicial custody till June 28. 

On the other hand, the Minister's family filed a habeas corpus petition in the Madras High Court seeking to produce him before the court. 

After the Minister was sent to judicial custody, Minister Ma Subramanian addressing the reporter said, "Senthil Balaji's arrest is a murder of democracy. This has been done to corner DMK, before Parliament Elections. No procedures were followed in the arrest...BJP is trying to create a fake narrative that DMK is a corrupt party. They are trying to do this, with the help of institutions like ED. In Patna, there is a united opposition party meeting. BJP is doing this out of nervousness."

"Annamalai lost the last Assembly election, in Aravakurichi. Tamil Nadu's people won't ever accept BJP in the State. But Annamalai thought Senthil Balaji was the reason for his loss. He is now taking revenge on him," he said. 

The Minister said that Senthil Balaji did a significant role in local body and assembly elections so fearing that they would get fewer votes than NOTA if he works the BJP was conducting searches at his home.