Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin inaugurated the 45th Chennai Book Fair on Wednesday and announced the release of his autobiography named 'Ungalil Oruvan' (One among you) by the end of this month. 

According to ABP Nadu, the Chief Minister launched the book fair at Nandanam YMCA ground and said that he has arranged for the launch of his autobiography by month-end.

He said, the first part of the autobiography will talk about his young years including his school and college life, his film career, marriage, and political life till MISA in 1976. 

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Announcing the release, the CM also said that efforts are being taken by the government to conduct a book fair in all the districts of the state, and funds for the fair will be provided through the district administration.

Along with the launch, the CM also distributed the Kalaignar Karunanidhi Porkizhi award to journalist and author Samas, theatre artist Prasanna Ramaswamy, writers Aasai Thambi, R Vennila, Paul Zachariah, and Meena Kandasamy. The CM also gave BAPASI Awards to Meenakshi Somasundaram, Ravi Thamizhvanan, Ponnazhagu, and Bharathi Baskar.

The CM also viewed the archeological museum set up within the campus. 

The book fair was initially scheduled for January but was postponed due to the third wave of novel coronavirus.

The Chennai Book Fair which was inaugurated on February 16 will continue till March 6 including on the day of the local body election and the counting day. On all the days, the book fair will be open from 11 am to 8 pm. The entry tickets for the fair are available online and offline at the venue.