Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin said he believed that if Sanatan Dharma was destroyed then untouchability would also be destroyed. He expressed his belief while responding to Governor's social discrimination remark. Earlier, Governor RN Ravi said that social discrimination was still a major problem in the state.  

On Tamil Nadu Governor's remark, Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin said, "We say that Santana Dharma should be abolished only to abolish untouchability. I believe that if Sanatana is destroyed, untouchability will also be destroyed."


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Udhyanidhi claimed that they are also making the same claims as the governor, which is why they are calling for Sanatana's removal, decrying caste bias, and insisting that everyone is born equal.

The DMK leader said that they (DMK) too speak about caste discrimination and wherever it is that it is wrong. 

However, Udhayanidhi's justification of his stance for eliminating Sanatan Dharma drew flak again. On September 2, Udhayanidhi claimed that Sanatan Dharma should be wiped out since it was like dengue and malaria. He said, "Sanatana is like malaria and dengue and so it must be eradicated and not opposed."

Previously, Governor RN Ravi said, “In our state, our youth are wearing caste bands (wrist bands of various colours to identify their castes). How shameful it is that a state (government) which talks about social justice and makes so much politics about social justice, has been exploiting people in the name of caste." 

Hindu Dharma talks about equality, he said.