Tamil Nadu police are facing heat once again after Irula tribes allege custodial torture by Villupuram police. The custodial torture allegation against Villupuram police comes just days after the then Ambasamudram ASP was accused of pulling out the teeth of the accused and crushing their testicles. 

According to IANS, two tribes, AK Appu (18) and his brother Kattappan (17), said that they were tortured by Villupuram police in February 2023. They said that they were picked up by the police in a theft case about which they denied having any knowledge about. 

The brothers said that the police picked them up and kept them in custody from February 25 to 28. During that time, the brothers said that the police beat them mercilessly and put green chilies in their eyes and private parts to make them accept the crime. 

Along with them, they said that five other Irulas who were working with a private brick kiln in Vanur were also picked up and tortured by Katterikuppam police personnel.

Speaking to IANS, tribal activist Suresh Kumar said, "The police excesses against the Irular tribes is nothing new. If the police don't get any culprits in a theft case or a criminal case and if the issue blows up, the police resort to picking some tribes and mostly Irulars and they are beaten and made to confess to crimes which they don't know at all."

Irulas are always at the receiving end, said Suresh, who works with Centre for Policy and Development Studies. 

However, the police said that the suspects were involved in the theft. Yet, human rights activists denied the charges slapped against the suspects. 

Another human rights and tribal rights activist, Kalyani said, "None of these accused had any history of theft or criminal cases against them. The activist also pointed out that there were records of the presence of these people at brick kilns at the time of the alleged theft the police claimed to have been done by them."