Chennai: The Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption has registered a case against C Vijayabaskar, former Tamil Nadu Health Minister and Viralimalai MLA, and his wife for acquiring disproportionate assets to the tune of Rs 27,22,56,736 during his tenure as an MLA between 2016-2021. The DVAC is also conducting raids in 43 locations related to the former Minister. 

According to the FIR, the DVAC has named Vijayabaskar and his wife Ramya for acquiring the disproportionate assets. The FIR said, “There was a vigilance information that the accused Al C.Vijayabaskar during the period of his office between 01.11.2013 and 31.04.2021 involved in corrupt activities and intentionally enriched himself by acquiring assets in his name, in the name of his dependent wife A2 Ramya and daughters.”

In the 2016 election affidavit, C Vijayabaskar declared that he possed assets in his name and his wife's in the form of jewels, banks, motor vehicles, farmlands, houses, and insurance policies and partnership firms to the tune of Rs.6,41,91,310, as per the FIR. 

However, by the end of March 2021, the Minister in the affidavit declared that he possessed assets worth Rs 58,64,25,887. He also revealed that he incurred expenses (including living expenses and LIC premium) to the tune of Rs 34,51,62,529 in the said period. However, the MLA declared that he had assets of Rs.51,35,20,094, as per the FIR.

Hence, the FIR said, "Further, the accused A1 C Vijayabaskar and A2 Ramya could have saved Rs. 24,12,63,358/ only. (Income Rs.58,64,25,887 - Expenses Rs.34,51,62,520)."

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"But, the accused A -1 has acquired assets in his name as well as in the name of his family member A-2 to the tune of Rs 27,22,56,736/- i.e., (Rs.51,35,20,044 Rs.24,12,63,358) in excess of the likely savings, during the said check period." 

Hence, the former Minister during his tenure 2016-2021 acquired wealth in his name and the name of his dependent wife to the tune of Rs 27,22,56,739 which is disproportionate to the known source of income.

Further, the FIR said, "The family members of the suspect officer Tr.C.Vijayabhaskar created a trust in the name of “Mother Terasa Educational and Charitable Trust and started educational institutions in 14 places which also raises reasonable suspicion that these educational institutions are also established by the C.Vijayabhaskar through the ill-gotten money."