Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Tuesday slammed the opposition parties for needlessly faulting his government on the law and order issue and said the situation was stable as a result of which the state had drawn the attention of investors.

Rejecting the charge of the opposition parties that law and order had deteriorated in the state, he said after taking up the reins as the Chief Minister he had transformed Tamil Nadu into an Eden of Peace.

"There are no caste or communal clashes, police firing or other crimes. Due to effective administration, the crimes have been kept under check and the state has transformed into an Eden of Peace," Stalin claimed.

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As a result, the industrial environment changed for the better and the state attracted the attention of investors. "Investments have started flowing into Tamil Nadu because of the prevailing peaceful atmosphere," Stalin said when his attention was drawn to the allegation by the AIADMK and BJP on the deteriorating law and order situation.

The Chief Minister who wound up a hectic two-day tour of the Cauvery delta districts, accused the opposition parties of "doing politics."

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"But we are here to do good to the people," he added.

Even earlier, Stalin said that his government will not compromise on the law and order situation in the state. He also ordered officials to take immediate action against those who disturb communal harmony.