Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Friday told veteran leader Sharad Pawar to reconsider his decision to relinquish the National President's post of Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) and urged him to continue to lead NCP. TN CM also insisted the senior leader to keep in his mind his role to forge the secular alliance ahead of Lok Sabha Polls 2024.

Taking to social media, TN CM Stalin on Friday said, "With national politics centered around upcoming 2024 General Elections, I request, Thiru. @PawarSpeaks, one of the tallest leaders, crucial in strengthening secular alliance across India, to reconsider his decision to relinquish the President post of @NCPspeaks and continue to lead NCP. @supriya_sule."

The request of CM Stalin came at a time when NCP leaders on Friday unanimously rejected the resignation of party's national President Sharad Pawar and requested him in one voice to continue in his post.

On Tuesday, Pawar (83) announced his decision to quit as the President of NCP but said that he was not retiring from public life.

Pawar founded NCP in 1999. He had headed the party since then. Pawar floated NCP after quitting the Congress. Pawar is currently the Rajya Sabha MP and a stalwart of the opposition.

Meanwhile, party leader Anil Patil talking to reporters requested Sharad Pawar to continue as the President at least until his Rajya Sabha tenure ends or until the Lok Sabha election. He said, Sharad Pawar is listening to everyone but isn't responding to it.

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