Chennai: Tamil Nadu BJP president Annamalai on Wednesday released a video of Tamil Nadu Minister KKSSR Ramachandran hitting a woman with papers he was holding in his hand in Virudhunagar on Tuesday. The Minister reportedly hit the woman on her head while she came to meet him for conveying her grievances. 

After the incident, BJP state president Annamalai in a tweet said, "Are people your slaves? @arivalayam Minister KKSSR Ramachandran hit the poor mother who was seeking a solution in the village of Virudhunagar, Palavanatham."

"We inform you that the Minister must resign within the next 48 hours or Tamil Nadu BJP will besiege his house," he said.

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However, there is still no official statement from the Minister. 

This is not the first time Minister KKSSR Ramachandran has entered into a controversy. In May 2012, District Crime Branch registered a case against five persons including the Minister for allegedly misappropriating funds received through bank loans. In April 2012, the Minister was arrested in connection with the murder of a postmaster in 2007. He also served a prison sentence in the case and was later released on bail. However, Ramachandran said that he was falsely implicated in the case.