New Delhi: In a remarkable rescue, residents from a housing society in a Chennai apartment prevented a toddler from falling to death after the child had inadvertently strayed to the edge of a roof covered by a plastic sheet, perilously close to the brink. Due to the alertness and courage of the society members, a disaster was averted as they rescued the toddler from the precarious situation. A video capturing the incident and the ensuing rescue operation surfaced on social media platform X.

One user wrote, "Nail-biting video shows a toddler hanging on a plastic sheet at a residential apartment in Chennai. He was safely rescued by one of the neighbours, who showed the courage to grab the baby in time".

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The toddler's life was saved by the quick thinking and bravery of neighbours who formed a human pyramid to reach the child dangling from a roof's edge. One member at the top of the pyramid caught the toddler to safety, eliciting jubilation from the onlookers as the child was rescued from the brink of danger.

The toddler emerged unharmed from the ordeal, and the relieved parents expressed gratitude to the courageous residents of the apartment whose swift action saved their child's life.