Tamil Nadu School Education Department postponed the reopening of schools due to the heat conditions in the state on Monday. In a circular, the director of school education said that the schools for Class 6-12 students will reopen on June 12 while the schools for
Class 1-5 students will reopen on June 14. 

The decision was made public after a meeting between CM Stalin and Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi. Earlier, the School Education Department announced that the schools will reopen on June 7 for all classes. However, after concerns about the high temperature in the state, the school education department postponed the dates, said a report in The Hindu. 

This is the third time the school reopening dates are being postponed. Initially, School Education Department announced that schools will reopen for Classes 6-12 on June 1 and Classes 1-5 on June 5. 

Officials told TOI that classes would be conducted on Saturdays to compensate for the extended holidays.

The private schools too reportedly requested for postponement of the school reopening dates. 

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Many districts across the state including Chennai, Vellore and Madurai have been experiencing a rise in the mercury. The Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC) has also been issuing warnings of the districts reporting above-normal temperatures. 

The IMD said, "Due to hot & humid conditions, discomfort weather is very likely at isolated pockets over Tamilnadu & Puducherry for the next 2 days (June 5 and June 6, 2023)".

"Maximum Temperature is likely to be 40-42 °C, about 2-4°C above normal at isolated pockets over Tamilnadu & Puducherry for next 2 days (05.06.2023 & 06.06.2023)," it said. 

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has also said that the temperature is likely to be high till June 11. 

ALSO READ: Cool Morning In Delhi-NCR After Rain Lashes Some Parts, Mercury Likely To Rise In Coming Days

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