Chennai: Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) has seized a sum of Rs 34 lakhs, US dollars worth Rs 1.80 lakhs, nine luxury cars including Rolls Royce among other things from the premises related to former AIADMK minister KC Veeramani during a search operation. 

DVAC sleuths on Thursday carried out search operations at 35 places including two premises in Bengaluru and six premises in Chennai. It includes his residence, relatives’ houses, and close associates who are suspected to have been in possession of assets on behalf of Veeramani and business firms in which he is a partner. 

According to a statement from DVAC, during the search proceedings, net cash of Rs 34.01 lakhs, US dollars worth 1.80 lakhs, nine luxury cars including Rolls Royce, five computer hard disks, 4.987 kgs of gold jewellery, 47 grams of diamond jewels, 7.2 kgs of silver articles, bank passbooks, property documents were identified and seized. 

The statement further said that about 275 units of sand worth Rs 30 lakhs were found at his house. 

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DVAC filed a First Information Report (FIR) against Veeramani under sections 13(2) r/w 12(1)(e) and 13(2) r/2 13(1)(b) of the Prevention of Corruption Act on Wednesday. 

The FIR read, “there is a vigilance information that the former minister was involved in various corruption activities and intentionally enriched himself illicitly and acquired properties and pecuniary resources in his name which are disproportionate to his known source of income.”

The FIR said, as per his financial statements, the pecuniary resources and properties acquired by Veeramani in his name and his dependents’ names should not have exceeded Rs 1,83,61,100 during the time period but he had acquired assets worth Rs 28,78,13,758 in excess which is 654 per cent of his total income.