Chennai: The Kodungaiyur police arrested four persons for spiking the drink of a 59-year-old professor, photographing him with a woman in a compromising position and threatening him over a loan repayment. 

According to a report on Times of India, the police arrested four persons including three women identified as Pushpa, M Lakshmi, M Murugan and S Radha on Sunday. The police produced the arrested persons in the court and sent them to prison. 

It all started when the victim met Radha through a mutual friend and lent her Rs 4.5 lakh for her personal need a few years ago. In 2019, she defaulted on the repayment of the loan so he approached the court. Following this, a non-bailable warrant was issued against Radha. 

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At the beginning of April, 2022, she offered to settle the loan and told the professor to come to the house of Pushpa. On April 19, he went to the home and was provided a spiked drink. Later, he fell unconscious. 

Then Radha and Pushpa stripped him ad made Lakshmi lie next to him in a compromising position. The video of the two was recorded by the accused. Later, they dressed him before he gained consciousness. 

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However, Radha started blackmailing him with the pictures and demanded for more money.

Later, after a probe, Kodungaiyur police arrested the accused, including Murugan, husband of Lakshmi who was aware of the incident.