New Delhi: Once the 17th century Irish Satirist, Jonathan Swift said, "Every dog must have his day." The Saying aptly describes Tom, a pet dog that died in January 2021 as the pet has got a temple posthumously. Mathu, 82, a retired government employee, from Sivagangai's Manamadurai, erected a marble statue of his late pet dog, Tom, on his farmland in remembrance of his pet.

"I have affection for my dog more than for my child. Tom was with me since 2010 but he died in 2021. My grandparents and father all were dog lovers," the 82-year-old man said, as quoted by news agency ANI.

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Manoj, Muthu's son told news agency ANI, "All of a sudden, Tom developed health issues and died without responding to the treatment in January 2021 following which my father decided to make a temple for Tom and took Rs 80,000 from his savings to get a marble statue made."

Muthu is so attached to his pet that not only he has made the marble statue for Tom but the father-son duo paid their respects to their late pet. "As of now we offer garlands to the statue on all auspicious days and on all Fridays," Manoj concluded.

Here are the pictures of the statue:

Muthu and his son Manoj offer prayers to their late pet dog tom. (Image: Twitter/ANI)

Muthu erected a marble statue of his pet dog that died in January 2021. (Image: Twitter/ANI)