Around 45 people were injured on Monday during Avaniapuram Jallikattu event in Tamil Nadu's Madurai, reported news agency ANI. Among the injured were two police personnel 9 people were referred to Government Rajaji Hospital in Madurai for further treatment, the news agency added. 

People in Tamil Nadu celebrated the festival of Pongal on Monday kickstarting the festivities in Madurai which coincided with the Makar Sankranti celebrations in north of the country. 

As many as 1,000 bulls along with 600 bull tamers were expected to participate in the bull taming event known as Jallikattu held at Avaniyapuram on Monday. festivities at Palamedu and Alanganallur will take place on Tuesday (January 16) and Wednesday( January 17) respectively. 

The best bull tamer would be gifted a car at the Avaniyapuram Jallikattu festival on Monday, as per an IANS report. 

The Madurai corporation allocated an amount of Rs 26 lakh or the smooth conduct of the Avaniyapuram Jallikattu event. The police also undertook stringent security measures across the area with huge deployment.

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Passes with photo identity cards were issued by police to both bull owners and tamers ahead of the event to enter the arena. House owners near the venue were also directed by the police to allow only their close relatives to watch the competition from their premises, the IANS report added. 

In a circular issued on Sunday, Madurai city police warned the local people that if any untoward incident happens leading to criminal activity during the Jallikkatu event, strict action will be taken against those involved, as per the report.