New Delhi: Tamil Nadu Health Minister Ma Subramanian said that the state has vaccinated 75.3 per cent of children in the 15-18 age group against Covid-19.

In a statement on Sunday, the Minister said that a total of 25.21 lakh teenagers have been vaccinated in the state to date. On Sunday, the state government declared holidays for classes 10-12 till January 31. The health minister told the reporters on Monday that of the 33 lakh eligible children for vaccination 23 lakh are school-goers and almost 100 per cent of them are vaccinated.

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Subramanian also said that on a daily basis, Tamil Nadu was reporting 10 to 20 deaths due to Covid-19, adding that all those who died had not been vaccinated.

He added that 1.91 lakh beds have been readied in hospitals in various parts of Tamil Nadu and added that only 8,912 patients were admitted as of now.

The Minister said that 37,998 patients have been isolated in Chennai alone after the state health secretary's directive for people who test positive to isolate themselves. Subramanian said that the Chennai Trade Centre Covid care facility has reserved 350 beds for infected police personal.

He said that the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) will increase the number of volunteers to 535 for helping those who are isolated at home.

The Minister added that a Siddha Covid-19 treatment facility will be inaugurated in Tambaram on Monday, while there will be 50,000 mega vaccination camps on Saturday.

(With inputs from IANS)