Chennai: In one of its kind initiative, Union Minister for Commerce, Industry, Food and Public Distribution Piyush Goyal on Monday launched India's first Food Museum at Thanjavur district in Tamil Nadu. Launching the museum through video conferencing, the Minister said, the measures of the government will make the country top the list of largest agricultural exporters in the world.
Currently, India is the fifth largest agricultural exporter in the world.
According to a report on PTI, the Minister said that the world looks at India as a trusted partner and the government will continue to work towards Aatmanirbhar Bharat. The Minister also said that the government is making all efforts to realise the image of strong and self-reliant farmers.
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Further, talking about the museum, Goyal said the museum is the first one-of-its-kind effort to depict India's food story from the beginning to India becoming the largest food gain exporter in the country.
The Minister said Tamil Nadu will become the home of the agricultural history of the country with Thanjavur being the capital of the state for the agricultural history of the country.
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The museum was set up in Thanjavur by the Food Corporation of India (FCI) along with Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum of Bengaluru since Thanjavur is the birthplace of FCI on January 14, 1965. The museum was set up at a cost of Rs 1.1 crore.
The museum will showcase the history of people from being foragers to producers, the story of the first harvest, the rise of villages and the preparation of demand days. The museum will display the grains of India and explain the food culture in different parts of the world.