Chennai: Tamil Nadu Education Department declared a holiday on May 14 to students of Tamil Nadu Arts, Science and Engineering colleges due to the TANCET exam scheduled on the same day. TANCET will be held for two hours in pen and paper mode and the results for TANCET will be released on June 10.
TANCET for MCA and MBA are scheduled to be held on May 14 while tests for MTech, MArch and MPlan courses will be held on May 15 from 10-12 pm. The aspirants who clear the exam will get admission in MBA, MCA, ME, MTech, MArch and MPlan courses for the academic year 2022-2023.
TANCET will be held for 100 marks under the multiple choice question (MCQ) pattern. The questions will carry one mark each but wrong answers also invite a negative marking where one-third of marks will be detected from the overall marks.
Meanwhile, Anna University fixed the last date to apply for TANCET as April 21, 2022. In May, Anna University released the hall ticket for TANCET through the official website
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It also said the hall ticket can be downloaded by entering the website and clicking on the hall ticket link.
After entering the required details in the given link, the admit card will appear on screen and the card can be downloaded for use by students.
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After the results are out, the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Tamil Nadu will conduct the counseling for PG programmes in government, government-aided colleges and university departments of Anna University.