Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin said investments of over Rs 6 lakh crore have been promised by various companies during Global Investors' Meet 2024 organised by DMK in the state. During his closing remarks at GIM 2024, Stalin announced that companies have committed to a combined investment of Rs 6,64,180 crore in Tamil Nadu. He emphasized that this substantial investment is projected to generate a significant number of jobs, totaling 26,90,657 lakh in both direct and indirect capacities across the state.
Speaking before party cabinet colleagues and prominent business figures, including Anand Mahindra, the chairman of the diversified conglomerate Mahindra Group, and TAFE Ltd Chief Mallika Srinivasan, Stalin reassured the industrialists that all required clearances for these new investments would be streamlined through a single-window clearance process.
"I am happy and proud to inform this august gathering that due to our tireless efforts and your participation during this Global Investors' Meet we have attracted an unprecedented Rs 6,64,180 crore of investments, " Stalin said.
"A total of 26,90,657 jobs is expected to be generated from these investments that include direct employment for 14,54,712 persons and indirect employment for 12,35,945 persons," he said.
The CM said that the state set an ambitious target to make Tamil Nadu a USD 1 trillion economy by 2030 and to play a key role in India's economic growth.
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