Chennai: When none of the airports in the country stays a rule that more than one laptop shouldn't be carried on flights, Tamil Nadu Finance Minister PTR Palanivel Thiagarajan on Thursday was stopped at the Chennai airport for carrying two laptops. But, a senior airport official expained later that there was a misunderstanding between the CISF personnel and the Finance Minister.

Miffed by being stopped, the finance minister in return told the security officials that there is no rule that prevents a passenger from carrying more than one laptop. When Thiaga Rajan identified himself as the state Finance Minister, senior airport officials came down and sorted out the issue.

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A senior airport official said that the issue was due to a communication gap. The airport official said the CISF official had asked Rajan to take out the laptops and keep them on the tray for scanning, which is the usual procedure.

On the other hand, the Minister thought the security official was saying that he cannot board the flight with two laptops. The confusion was resolved immediately, the airport official added.

He said there is no restriction as to the number of laptops a person can carry as cabin baggage. One of the major complaints from the passengers is that the CISF personnel speak only in Hindi while not many in Tamil Nadu know the North Indian language. If the CISF posts people knowing Tamil at airports, then it will be a flyer-friendly move, the passengers say.