Tamil Nadu Education Minister Anbil Mahesh said that a committee will be formed to resolve the absenteeism issue in Class 12 Tamil exam. Around 50,674 students were absent for the Class 12 Tamil language examination on Monday.
Most of the students were absent in Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri and Thiruvannamalai districts.
Tamil Nadu Education Minister Anbil Mahesh said, “Around 5.6% of the total students did not appear for the 12th Board Tamil language exam. Most absentee students were from Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri and Thiruvannamalai districts. We are holding discussions with the officials of the Education department.”
“We have held an online discussion with all officials including Chief Educational Officers (CEO). The CEOs have given alarming numbers of students not appearing for examinations, mainly from Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri and Thiruvannamalai districts. We are addressing this issue, and a committee will be formed to resolve this issue,” he said.
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Overall, 8.51 lakh candidates enrolled to attend Tamil Nadu board examinations.
The paper corrections for the board exam will begin on April 10. The corrections will go on till 21. The results for the boards will be announced on May 5.
Around 48,000 post-graduate teachers will be equipped to carry out the work.
Last year, the results for Class 12 students were declared on June 20, 2022, In the boards, 93.74 per cent of the students cleared the exams.
The next exam will be held on March 17. The students are scheduled to attend one of the subjects including communicative english, ethics and indian culture, computer science, computer applications, bio-chemistry, advanced language (Tamil), Home science, political science and statistics.