New Delhi: A couple from Tamil Nadu has allegedly sold their four children to a goat herd owner Govindarajan two years ago. The issue came to light when an NGO rescued the four siblings, who were in bondage, on Monday.
The four siblings were identified as Vetrivel (nine years old), Sakthivel (seven years old), Sundar (six years old) and Velayutham (eight years old). According to a Times Now report, the four children were sold by the Sundaraj-Bapathi couple for the sum of Rs 62,000. While revealing their plight, kids told that they had to take the goats for grazing for not less than 10 kms per day.
"The owner verbally and physically abused them. On that particular day, the owner hit them severely as one of the goats in the herd was missing," said a committee member who was among the rescue operation, as quoted by Times of India.
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The report further said that Govindarajan convinced the couple to sell their children and he promised that they would be financially well off as the poverty-stricken couple couldn't meet ends.
After the rescue operation was done, Thanjavur revenue officer M Ranjith said that they have initiated action against the goat herd owner for forcing kids into bonded labour, reports TOI.
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