New Delhi: In a bid to create awareness about 75 years of Independence, miniature artist and social media activist UMT Raja from Coimbatore sketched a miniature version of the tricolour and placed it in his right eye, according to ABP Nadu. As per the report, after making the sketch, he posted the photo on the social media, that garnered a lot of positive and negative reactions.

How it was done:

Initially, the artist painted a miniature national flag in a very slim film kind of a cloth on the white shell of the egg and placed it in the sclera portion of the eye. It took more than three hours for him to finish the job of placing it inside the eye.

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The doctor’s advice:

Before undertaking this adventurous act of placing the Tricolour in his eye, UMT Raja had consulted a doctor. While the doctors advised him against the idea as it could lead to allergy and itching in the eye, the artist decide to go ahead with the plan in order to spread awareness on the Indian freedom struggle. Finally, he succeeded in doing it with the special permission and under the guidance of experts.

The artist’s request:

After undertaking the daunting task ahead of the 75th Independence Day, miniature artist Raja advised the public to not try to imitate him as it can adversely affect the eyes. He also warned that this task could lead to infections and serious eye problems if gone wrong.

Why he did this:

The miniature artist decided to do this in order to create awareness on the Indian freedom struggle ahead of 75th Independence Day. He himself posted it on the social media to raise awareness on the Indian national flag. His post has, however, received mixed reactions, with lots of appreciation as well as a lot criticism for the dangerous act.