New Delhi: Industrialist Anand Mahindra has once again won hearts with his noble gesture on the occasion of Mother’s Day. Back in April last year, he had shared a tweet where he said Tamil Nadu’s Idli Amma would soon have her home where she would serve the people her delectable home-cooked idlis. Today, Mahindra has kept his word as he shared a video showing Idli Amma entering her new home.

Taking to his Twitter handle, the industrialist shared the video and captioned it, “Immense gratitude to our team for completing the construction of the house in time to gift it to Idli Amma on #MothersDay She’s the embodiment of a Mother’s virtues: nurturing, caring & selfless. A privilege to be able to support her & her work. Happy Mother’s Day to you all!”

Idli Amma, also known as Kamalathal, is a resident of Vadivelampalayam, a village near Peru in Tamil Nadu. She has been selling idlis, the Tamil delicacy, with sambhar and chutney for only Re 1 over 37 years.

After Idli Amma’s story went viral back in 2019, Anand Mahindra extended his support to her venture and said that he would be happy to ‘invest’ in her business.

After he shared the video on Mother’s Day, netizens couldn’t help showering praises on the industrialist who once again touched the hearts of many.

Have a look at some of the reactions: