Chennai: A 7-year-old boy, Meethu, suffered an electric shock while he was trying to save his pet that got electrocuted due to a stay wire on a fence at a house in Avadi. The pet, which was an alsatian dog, got electrocuted and died on the spot. The police have booked a case against Tangedco - the Electric Supply Board - for 'negligence'.

According to a report on the Times of India, the dog ran out of the home and brushed against a fence. However, it soon collapsed and the boy immediately rushed to help the dog. He neared the dog but got electrocuted himself.

He immediately raised an alarm and his mother Vijayalakshmi rushed to him. The mother and neighbours rescued Meethu and took him to a private hospital. The boy is currently stable and he is recuperating well to the treatment. However, the dog died on the spot. 

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The police registered a case and started the probe. During the investigation, the report said, it was revealed that an electric post outside the house was damaged and the cable wire that got snapped was temporarily placed on a stay wire cable on the fence by Tangedco officials.

Following the probe, the police said that the mishap took place due to "clear case of negligence". Further investigations are on. 

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Meanwhile, the Tangedco said that parts of Chennai will face power shutdown due to maintenance work. As per the schedule, parts of Poonamalle, Pammal, Kolathur, Perambur, Velachery and KK Nagar are set to witness the shutdown.