Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin wrote to Union External Affairs Minister Jaishankar seeking a waiver of Rs 2.25 crore penalty imposed by the Maldives government on Tamil Nadu fishing vessels. He also urged to secure the release of 12 fishermen from Tamil Nadu who were arrested by the Maldives Coast Guard on October 22. 

In the letter to Jaishankar, CM said, "The fishing vessel, 'HOLY SPRIT bearing registration number INDTN-12MM 6376, is alleged to have entered into the maritime zones of the Maldives while they pursuing their legitimate fishing activities in the high seas."

“The Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture of the Republic of Maldives has imposed a substantial fine of MVR 42,00,000 i.e, approximately Rs 2.25 crores, on the operator of the fishing vessel on November 1,” he said. 

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Furthermore, he said that the fishermen had been informed that the penalty amount must be settled within 30 days from the receipt of the notice and the vessel would be detained by the Maldives Police Force until the fine was paid.

The CM said, “I wish to emphasize that these fishermen and their families depend only on their catch for their livelihoods, and the exorbitant fine imposed on them is well beyond their means. It threatens to permanently impoverish them and their families.”

The CM sought an urgent intervention on behalf of these fishermen and a waiver of the penalty imposed on the vessel. He also requested the Union External Affairs Minister to secure the prompt release of the fishermen along with their fishing vessel.