Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin launched a podcast series 'Speaking for India' reportedly to address the country and extend support to the Opposition alliance INDIA on Thursday. Through the podcast, Tamil Nadu CM aims to highlight the breakdown of law and order in the country and to expose the BJP-led government. It should be noted that DMK is a collation of INDIA, nevertheless. 

Tamil Nadu CM and DMK President Stalin said the 2024 Lok Sabha elections will bring an end to the BJP's hegemony in the nation. 

As part of Ungalil Oruvan Q&A session, Stalin as per PTI said, "The DMK is turning 75 years and is the third major party in the Parliament. It was nurtured by iconic leaders like (former Chief Ministers) C N Annadurai and M Karunanidhi, who created a deep impact." 

He said that he was forced to speak for India so he would talk through an audio series about how BJP-led government has been destroying India, the need to build egalitarian India and to end of BJP regime in 2024.

The CM also asked if the podcast could be named 'Speaking for India' and told the people to wait for that voice from south. 

Stalin also posted a video regarding the launch on X, formerly Twitter, with the caption "Awakening India's tomorrow, A Southern Voice Speaks for India".

The podcast is likely to be made in English and other regional languages as well with an aim to reach wider range of audience. 

The announcement of Stalin has come on the day the opposition INDIA alliance's parties will meet in Mumbai to discuss their strategy for taking on the BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections as well as the potential addition of new allies.

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