Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin flew to Singapore to attract investments on Tuesday. The CM is embarking on a week-long visit to Singapore and Japan to draw investments to the state and to invite investors to take part in Global Investors Meet scheduled to be held in January 2024. 

Talking to reporters, Stalin said, "In January 2024, Global Investors Meet is set to take place in Chennai. We are traveling to several places across the globe to invite investors to the meeting. On this basis, I am embarking on a 9-day trip to Singapore and Japan and Industries Minister and officials are joining the trip with me. This is a continuation to my UAE trip which earned investments."

"Some MoUs are likely to be signed during the trip. I will also invite investors for Global Investors Meet so send me a greeting," he said.

On Tuesday, after Stalin lands in Singapore, he is scheduled to meet Singapore Transport Minister S Iswaran, Trade Relations Minister-in-charge K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Law and CEOs of several companies. 

He is also set to take part in investor conference representing Tamil Nadu. He is likely to sign MoUs with Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries among others. 

The CM will also take part in cultural events. 

On May 26, Stalin will fly to Japan and take part in a conference encouraging Japanese industries. He is scheduled to attend a reception hosted by Tamil diaspora.

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Stalin is scheduled to return to Chennai on May 31. This is second official foreign trip of Stalin after he assumed office in May 2021. 

The visit of Stalin to woo investors comes after his ambitious target to make Tamil Nadu a $1 trillion dollar economy by 2030.