New Delhi: Amid the ongoing Bharat Jodo Yatra in Karnataka, Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and party leader Rahul Gandhi were seen helping a girl who fell down due to a heavy rush during the march on Thursday in Mandya district. In a video posted by Congress's official Twitter handle, party leaders Sonia and Rahul can be seen holding the girl, who bore a Triclolour in her hands and giving her a back rub, Rahul can be seen asking if the girl is doing fine. This gesture of the Gandhis won the hearts of the people.
Earlier in the day, a photo of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and his mother Sonia Gandhi is going viral on social media. In the photo shared by Congress leader, Shashi Tharoor one can see Rahul Gandhi tying his mother's shoelaces as people surround them.
Tharoor while sharing the picture tweeted in Hindi, "Each of her breath, has a prayer. Mothers cannot be broken, mothers are mothers."
The Congress supremo was seen walking in the company of her son and Congress MP Rahul Gandhi and other Congress leaders when he stopped to tie his mother's shoelaces.
The Congress chief joined Rahul Gandhi in the ongoing Bharat Jodo Yatra in Karnataka’s Mandya district on Thursday. The Yatra entered its Karnataka leg on September 30. Sonia Gandhi reached Mysuru on Monday afternoon, at the starting point of the padayatra, which resumed today after a two-day break for Dussehra.
Also Read: Rahul Gandhi Ties Sonia Gandhi's Shoelace During Bharat Jodo Yatra, Images Go Viral
This is the first time that Sonia Gandhi has joined a public event after recovering from Covid-19 earlier this year. The Congress president had contracted coronavirus twice and was also hospitalised.
She had earlier visited the Bheemanakolli Temple in Begur village and offered prayers on October 5.
The Padyatra will cover 12 states in five months and travel a distance of 25 km every day. After remaining in Karnataka for 21 days the Yatra will move north, repo
The 3,570 km long Bharat Jodo Yatra began from Kanyakumari on September 8. The aim of the Yatra, according to the Congress is to combat the alleged divisive politics of the BJP-led Central government.