After Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi's remark over social discrimination, Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin on Monday agreed with his comment and stated that "we are also saying what he (Governor) is saying," news agency ANI reported. Speaking with media, Stalin stated: "That's why we are saying we have to eliminate Sanatana. We are also speaking about caste discrimination and we are saying by birth all are equal. Wherever caste discrimination is there it is wrong. We are raising our voice against that."
Meanwhile, the governing DMK in Tamil Nadu attacked Governor R N Ravi on Monday for statements on social inequality in the state, claiming he was unable to digest the state's governance model of inclusive growth and accusing him of promoting "false propaganda." Ravi stated on Sunday at a gathering in Thanjavur that social prejudice occurs in society and that it is wrong.
“We have untouchability, social discrimination. A large section of brothers and sisters are not treated equal. It is painful, it is unacceptable. It is not what the Hindu Dharma says. Hindu Dharma talks about equality,” he was quoted by PTI in its report.
Scheduled Castes people were originally 'rishis' (sages) who contributed to the Vedas. There was no discrimination, and it "crept in later," he alleged.
It is a societal evil that must be destroyed, he said, adding that saint Ramanajucharya dedicated his whole life to the abolition of inequity.
Ravi further said that individuals talking about "eradicating Hindu dharma" wanted to "destroy and weaken the country" in partnership with certain groups.
In a rebuttal to Ravi, DMK spokesperson Saravanan Annadurai claimed the governor was "indulging in false propaganda." “He is not able to stomach the growth the Dravidian model of governance has achieved. He is against Dravidian ideology, propagates Sanatan ideology. Wherever he goes, he speaks about the virtues of Sanatana Dharma but Sanatana Dharma is responsible for this caste system.” “If we have division in the society, it is becasue of Sanatana Dharma,” he said.