Tamil Nadu Youth Welfare and Sports Development Minister Udayanidhi Stalin on Monday met Ranjitha, Krishnaveni and Ramya who recently became priests after undergoing training at Tamil Nadu Government Priest Training School. The Minister also provided them with a smartphone for Rs 25,000 each. The meet gains significance since the event comes after the 'Sanatan Dharma' row. 

According to ANI, Tamil Nadu Youth Welfare and Sports Development, Udayanidhi Stalin on Monday met Ranjitha, Krishnaveni and Ramya, who received their priest's certificate after training at the Tamil Nadu Government Priest Training School and gave them a smartphone and Rs 25,000 each.


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The three women are part of 94 students who received Archakar (Priest) training in the state government institute. After the training, the students received a course completion certificate from Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Minister PK Sekar Babu. 

The three women broke barriers to become priests and created history by entering the sanctum sanctorum of temples to perform poojas. 

Earlier, Stalin praised Dravidian model of government for helping people of all castes to become priests and women to enter the sanctum of temple.

Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, Stalin said, "Despite women's achievements as pilots and astronauts, they were barred from the sacred role of temple priests, deemed impure, even in the temples for female deities. But change is finally here!" 

"In Tamil Nadu, as our #DravidianModel Government has removed the thorn from Thanthai Periyar's heart by appointing people of all castes as priests, women are also now stepping into the sanctums, bringing a new era of inclusivity and equality," he said.