Tamil Nadu right-wing workers continue to register their opposition against Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin for his statement on 'Sanatan Dharma'. Tamil Nadu BJP leaders met Governor RN Ravi on Thursday and submitted memorandums seeking his intervention in filing cases against Udhayanidhi. Furthermore, Hindu Munnani workers also staged a protest in Madurai.
TN BJP president Annamalai said, "Today, senior leaders of @BJP4TamilNadu met our Hon Governor of TN Thiru RN Ravi avl & submitted the following memorandums. We sought the intervention of our Hon Governor in filing cases (in line with the Hon Supreme Court’s guidelines) in TN against Thiru Udhayanidhi Stalin for his Hate speech at the Sanatana Eradication conference."
ALSO READ: 'Unfair For PM To Make Comments Without Knowing...': TN CM Stalin Backs Son Udhayanidhi On 'Sanatan Dharma' Row
The BJP workers also urged the Governor to dismiss Minister PK Sekar Babu for being a part of the Sanatana eradication conference, which was a violation of his oath to office.
In the memorandum, Annamalai asked, "How is the call for stabbing and killing one section of the society any different from the call for Eradication of Entire Santana Dharma? By saying that he is following the footsteps of EV Ramasamy, is Udhayanidhi Stalin recommending people to stab and kill practitioners of Sanatana Dharma?"
Further, he told the Governor to instruct DGP of the state to take action on the complaints and file an FIR.
The statement of Annamalai came even after Udhayanidhi Stalin and TN CM Stalin reiterated that the Minister did not use the word 'Genocide' in the speech.
Meanwhile, Hindu Munnani members staged a protest in Madurai against DMK Minister Udhayanidhi for his remarks against 'Sanatan Dharma'.