A remark made by DMK MP T R Baalu directed at Union Minister L Murugan in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday sparked a heated exchange of words between the DMK and BJP. The BJP accused Baalu of "insulting" a Dalit and demanded an apology, while the DMK labeled the minister a "traitor" for allegedly speaking against the interests of Tamil Nadu. The confrontation commenced during the Question Hour in the Lok Sabha and spilled over into exchanges outside the House.
During the Question Hour, the Lok Sabha erupted into chaos over Baalu's remark against Murugan. The Ministers and BJP MPs, who accused Baalu of "insulting" a Dalit, demanded an apology from the DMK MP.
As Baalu refused to comply with the demand, Speaker Om Birla expunged the word from the records, prompting DMK members, along with Congress and Left MPs, to stage a walkout.
The incident occurred during discussions on a question concerning flood relief in Tamil Nadu.
After two of his party colleagues raised questions on the topic, Baalu posed a supplementary query to the minister. Murugan, the Union minister of state for fisheries, animal husbandry, and dairying, deemed Baalu's question irrelevant.
Baalu persistently reportedly used a term against Murugan igniting the verbal confrontation, according to a report on PTI. Both Baalu and Murugan are natives of Tamil Nadu, where the DMK holds power.
Speaking to reporters outside the House, Murugan stated that the DMK and its leader M K Stalin lack faith in social justice and are unable to accept the appointment of a marginalized individual as a minister.
"They want to keep Dalits as their vote bank," he said.
Speaking with reporters, DMK's Baalu and A Raja rejected the minister's charge that any unparliamentary term was used.
"...It is not an unparliamentary remark...," said DMK MP TR Baalu on his "unfit to be in Parliament" remark against MoS & BJP leader L Murugan who interrupted him while speaking in Lok Sabha on demand for flood relief fund for Tamil Nadu, as per ANI.
Raja said even he was a Dalit and that there was no remark about Murugan's social background.
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