Tamil Nadu Minister Rajakannappan was allotted an additional portfolio of Higher Education after Minister Ponmudi, who served as Higher Education Minister, was convicted in the Disproportionate Assets (DA) case by Madras High Court on Thursday. Earlier, Madras HC sentenced Minister Ponmudi and his wife to three years of imprisonment in a DA case.
Minister Rajakannappan is already handling Backward Classes Welfare, Most Backward Classes Welfare, Denotified Communities Welfare and Khadi & Village Industries Board portfolios.
A press release from Raj Bhavan said, "Hon'ble Governor approved the recommendation of the Hon'ble Chief Minister that the portfolios of Higher Education including portfolios of Higher Education, Including Technical Education, Electronics, Science and Technology previously dealt with by Thiru K.Ponmudi, be allotted to Thiru R.S.Rajakannappan, Minister for Backward Classes Welfare in addition to the portfolios of Backward Classes Welfare, Most Backward Classes Welfare and Denotified Communities Welfare already held by him."
"The Hon'ble Governor has also approved the recommendation of the Hon'ble Chief Minister that the portfolios of Khadi & Village Industries Board looked after by Thiru R.S.Rajakannappan be allotted to Thiru R. Gandhi, Minister for Handlooms and Textiles in addition to the portfolios of Handlooms and Textiles, Boodhan and Gramadhan already held by him," he said.
On Thursday, Madras High Court imposed a fine of Rs 50 lakh on the Minister and his wife, Visalakshi, following their conviction. The Court opted to suspend the quantum of punishment for 30 days. The verdict was announced at 10:30 AM on Thursday.
Before this, Justice Jayachandran overturned the trial court's decision that acquitted the Minister and his wife in the case. This decision was made while granting an appeal filed by the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC).
Meanwhile, Stalin removed Minister Rajakannapan from his transport portfolio and appointed him as the Minister of Backward Classes Welfare after a complaint from BDO against the Minister for using casteist slurs against him.
ALSO READ: TN Minister Ponmudi Gets 3-Year Jail Term In Disproportionate Assets Case