Chennai: P Nedumaran, president of the World Confederation of Tamils, made a sensational claim on Monday, saying LTTE supremo V Prabhakaran is alive and will emerge soon. "I am sharing this information only with Prabhakaran's permission," he claimed.

Speaking to the media at Thanjavur, Nedumaran said: "Pleased to announce the truth about our Tamil national leader Prabhakaran. He's fine. I'm very happy to announce this to the Tamil people all over the world. I hope this news will put an end to the speculations that have been systematically spread about him so far."

He added: "Let me inform you that he (Prabhakaran) is soon going to announce a plan for the liberation of the Tamil race. All the Tamil people of the world should support him together."

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Responding to Nedumaran's claims, Tamil Nadu Congress chief KS Alagiri said he will be happy to see LTTE chief Prabhakaran, who is believed to be dead. 

Prabhakaran is believed to have been killed by Lankan forces on May 18, 2009, during the last phase of the civil war in Sri Lanka. His death was confirmed only after the Sri Lankan Army released pictures of a "deceased Prabhakaran" in 2009. His body was said to have been found in the forest of northern Sri Lanka at Mullivayakal.

After the images were released, Prabhakaran's body was identified by his former lieutenant and rebel LTTE leader Karuna Amman, who later became a minister in Mahinda Rajapaksa's cabinet after laying down guns.