Chennai: Days after it was announced that schools for classes 1 to 8 students will be reopened from Novmeber 1, Tamil Nadu School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyamozhi on Saturday said that only 20 students will be allowed in a classroom, in view to take precautionary measures as the traces of Coronavirus is still present. Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu reported 1,597 Covid cases with 25 succumbing to the deadly virus on Friday.

However, speaking to the media, after the minister paid homage to Gandhi's photo on the occassion of Gandhi Jayanthi in Trichy, he said as quoted by ABP Nadu, "Only 20 students will be allowed in a classroom when the school opens for classes 1 to 8 students. Classes will be conducted for students on rotational basis. Additional attension will be given to the younger students. Moreover, In Tamil Nadu, at least 98 per cent of teachers and non-teaching staff have been administered vaccines."

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Minister Anbil Mahesh said that he had instructed the school education department to make necessary arrangements as there is still a month to go before the schools reopen.

When will the students have examinations?  

Speaking about the examination for all the students, the minister said that term-wise exams are currently being conducted in schools for classes 9 to 12 students. Currently, the complete strength of students cannot attend the classes. However, decision on conducting the exams for all the studetns would be taken as the attendance of students increase.

(With inputs from ABP Nadu — It is a Tamil platform of ABP News. For more news, commentary and latest happenings from Tamil Nadu, follow