The National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested the absconding leader of ISIS Thrissur module from Chennai on Wednesday. The NIA also foiled his plans to flee the country. The NIA's Fugitive Tracking Team, which had been operating locally for the previous few weeks to trace Siyed Nabeel Ahammed, the leader of Ameer of the Thrissur-based ISIS Module, made the arrest. The accused, who had been on the run and hiding out in various locations throughout Tamil Nadu and Karnataka for the previous few weeks, had intended to flee to another country using falsified and fraudulent passports, utilising Nepal as a transit country.

According to NIA, “Incriminating documents and digital devices have been seized from the possession of Siyed Nabeel, who is the third accused to be arrested in the case (RC-02/2023/NIA/KOC) since July."

"In July this year, NIA had tracked and arrested one Ashif (alias) Mathilakath Kodayil Ashraf from his hideout near Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu,” it said.

On July 11, 2023, NIA registered a case based on credible information under various sections of IPC and UA(P) Act. NIA had found that the Thrissur-based IS module had been conspiring to commit terror acts in Kerala. It had been conducting recces for this purpose, and had also been raising funds for furthering ISIS activities by committing a series of illegal activities, including dacoities, in the State, NIA said, as per IANS report. 

Islamic State (IS), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, as well as by its Arabic abbreviation Da'ish or Daesh, is a transnational militant Islamist terrorist organisation. The organisation has reportedly increased its activity in India by placing modules in different States and actively seeking out motivated youth who support its jihadist doctrine.

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