Chennai: Tamil Nadu government will release a report on Wednesday, said Tamil Nadu Minister Ma Subramanian regarding the surrogacy procedure opted by Kollywood power couple, actor Nayanthara and director Vignesh Shivan. The couple became parents of twin babies recently and they made an official announcement regarding their parenthood on October 9.
On Tuesday, when questioned about the surrogacy procedure opted by the couple, the Minister said, “We will provide a report regarding the issue on Wednesday evening.”
When questioned whether action will be taken against the hospital, the Minister told the officials to refer to the release.
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Earlier, the government took a suo moto proceedings against actor Nayanthara and her husband Vignesh Shivan for opting for surrogacy and to investigate whether the due procedure was followed as prescribed by law.
The government formed a three-member committee to investigate the matter. A probe was ordered as Surrogacy (Regulation) Act came into effect on January 25, 2022 and as per the Act only 'Altruistic surrogacy’ is permitted. As a result, the surrogate mother can be provided only medical expenses and no other financial help.
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Meanwhile, on Monday, the couple shared a video wishing everyone a happy diwali along with their twins. In the post, Vignesh Shivan said, "Happy Diwali to everyTWO of you. Thala Diwali for us in all sense. Happy happy Diwali Diwali for all of you!."
On October 9, Vignesh Shiva in a post said, “Nayan & Me have become Amma & Appa. We are blessed with twin baby boys. All our prayers, our ancestors’ blessings combined with all the good manifestations made, have come together in the form of two blessed babies for us. We need all the blessings for our Uyir and Ulagam.”