Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to embark on a near two-day meditation exercise at the renowned Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanyakumari. The high-profile event has prompted heightened security measures across the district. Comprehensive arrangements, including heavy security, are in place for Modi's 45-hour stay at the mid-sea memorial dedicated to the revered Hindu saint Swami Vivekananda.

Following the conclusion of the Lok Sabha polls campaign, BJP leaders announced that Modi would meditate at the Rock Memorial. This retreat mirrors a similar meditation session Modi undertook in a Kedarnath cave after the 2019 election campaign.

From the evening of May 30 to the evening of June 1, Modi will meditate at Dhyan Mandapam, the exact spot where Vivekananda is believed to have experienced a divine vision about 'Bharat Mata.' This spiritual endeavor underscores Modi's admiration for Vivekananda, a spiritual icon he deeply respects.

In addition to his meditation, the Prime Minister is expected to offer prayers at the famous Sri Bhagavathy Amman temple. Before departing on June 1, Modi is likely to visit the Thiruvalluvar statue, a towering 133-foot sculpture dedicated to the Tamil poet, located adjacent to the rock memorial.

On PM Modi's visit, BJP leader CR Kesavan said, "The opposition is in panic and fear that they're going to lose this election of 2024. And they are rattled...The people will reject this negative politics of the Congress and the INDI alliance. On June 4, with the blessings of Swami Vivekananda, with the blessings of the people of Bharat, Modi ji will begin a historic term where he will usher Bharat's civilizational renaissance."

Security measures have been significantly intensified ahead of Modi's visit. Around 2000 police personnel will be on duty during his stay, with the Indian Coast Guard and Indian Navy also maintaining strict vigilance. Senior police officials, including Tirunelveli range DIG Pravesh Kumar and Superintendent of Police E Sundaravathanam, have conducted thorough inspections of the security arrangements at the rock memorial, boat jetty, helipad, and the state guest house.

However, the timing of Modi's meditation has sparked controversy.

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Congress, DMK Raise Objections To PM's Meditation 'Trip'

As the period coincides with the silence period preceding the seventh and final phase of the Lok Sabha elections on June 1, opposition parties Congress and DMK have raised objections and approached the Election Commission. The opposition alleged that Modi's meditation trip was an attempt to bypass the restrictions of the silence period and has urged the Election Commission to prevent media coverage of the event, citing a potential violation of the model code of conduct.

The local unit of the ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu has also petitioned the District Collector and District Election Officer against the Prime Minister's event pointing to the model code of conduct and the ongoing tourist season.