Against the backdrop of recent disagreements between Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Stalin and Governor R N Ravi over the contributions of Mahatma Gandhi to the nation, Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin and DMK leaders took a pledge to on 'religious harmony' while Governor RN Ravi paid floral tributes to Father of Nation on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi's death anniversary on Tuesday. The event came after Tamil Nadu CM Stalin and Governor R N Ravi sparred over the latter's comment that the "nation did not attain independence due to Gandhi."

According to ANI, As per the advice of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin, Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin and DMK leaders took a pledge to on 'Religious Harmony', on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi's death anniversary.

ALSO READ: Observe Jan 30 As Religious Harmony Day: TN CM Stalin Slams Right Wing Over Remarks Against Gandhi