Chennai: “DMK's former president M Karunanidhi was the one who planted the seeds of corruption in Tamil Nadu,” said Tamil Nadu Opposition leader Edappadi K Palaniswami while coming down heavily on the corruption in the state. He also alleged that the DMK government was the only government dissolved for corruption, in the history of India.

Addressing an event for new members of AIADMK, Edappadi Palaniswami said, there is a family rule in the state and they are just doing corruption and collecting the commissions. 

Further, he alleged that CM Stalin was lying that 85% of the poll promises were fulfilled since only some of the promises of 530 promises made in the manifesto were fulfilled. However, his ministers are deceiving people, he said. 

It has been 21 months but still the DMK did not give monthly assistance of Rs 1,000 to women family heads as promised during the election, he pointed out. 

Responding to the charges of Minister Thangam Thenarasu, AIADMK Interim General Secy EPS said, “Minister Thangam Thenarasu says that I (EPS) am not qualified to talk about corruption. If so, who will talk about it? AIADMK, which is the opposition party, is the party that deserves to talk about corruption.”

Further, he said, "DMK government is the only government dissolved for corruption, in the history of India. There are many states in India and no state has dissolved any government for corruption. But DMK government was the only government dissolved for corruption.”

“DMK's former president M Karunanidhi was the one who planted the seeds of corruption in Tamil Nadu.  Today, there is corruption in all sectors of the DMK government,” he added.

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