Union Home Minister Amit Shah is set to launch Tamil Nadu BJP's "En Mann, En Makkal" (My land, my people) yatra in Rameshwaram on July 28 ahead of Lok Sabha polls 2024. The yatra is aimed at strengthening the presence of the saffron party in the state. The yatra which will begin in July 2023 is likely to be held till January 2024. 

According to PTI, BJP national general secretary CT Ravi said, "The yatra will be organized in five stages and traverse through Tamil Nadu before concluding in Chennai in the second week of January."

He said that this yatra could be a game-changer. 

Criticizing MK Stalin's government over law and order issues and corruption, Ravi told PTI, "The BJP's popularity has been rising and there is a lot of anti-incumbency anger against the DMK government."

The padayatra is likely to be led by Tamil Nadu BJP president K Annamalai. The padayatra will focus on reviving the support for the party in the state as BJP is unable to fulfill its ambition of emerging as a big player in Tamil Nadu. 

Ravi said that National Democratic Alliance (NDA) will win more seats than the DMK-led opposition in the Lok Sabha polls. CT Ravi is the incharge of BJP in the state. 

BJP is in alliance with AIADMK and a few other parties in the state while DMK is part of the united "INDIA" alliance. 

Currently, BJP holds the opinion that despite its inherent organisational deficiencies in the state, Annamalai's assertiveness and outspoken stance on a variety of subjects have been able to generate support for the party.

Tamil Nadu has 39 Lok Sabha seats and the DMK-led coalition won 38 of the seats in 2019 elections while AIADMK bagged a lone seat.

ALSO READ: ABP Exclusive: BJP's Countdown Has Started From Bengaluru, Says TN CM Stalin On 2024 LS Polls