Tamil Nadu Congress SC wing staged a protest on Tuesday against BJP leader Khushbu Sundar near her residence at Chennai Santhome over her "cheri comment" on her social media page last week. Reacting to a DMK worker's comment on social media, Khushbu has said, "Sorry can't speak your cheri language" which received the wrath of the people.

Tamil Nadu Congress SC wing protest at Chennai Santhome near BJP leader Khushbu Sundar's residence against her "Cheri comment" on her social media page last week.


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Meanwhile, security has been enhanced outside the residence of BJP leader Khushbu Sundar in Chennai.

Earlier, quoting a tweet by a DMK man, Khushbu Sundar said sorry can't speak "your cheri language" which sparked a controversy. Taking to X, Khusbhu said, "This is what DMK goons do. Use a foul language. But this is what they are taught. To insult a woman. Sorry can’t speak your cheri language but I would suggest wake up and look what was spoken and action taken."

"And if DMK does not teach you about laws, then shame on you being a lawyer and shame on your leader for having idiots like you around him. @mkstalin beware of the bunch of fools who are out there to destroy you," she said. 

Her statement soon created a controversy and the actor-turned-politician defended it by saying that she was using the word 'cheri' in a French context.

"I was very sarcastic in my tweet. When I say 'cheri', I was very clear that it was a French word which means lovable, that's what I meant. 'I can't speak your lovable language, is what I wanted to tell you'. Probably, I am too intelligent for people around," the BJP leader said, as per PTI.