Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin felicitated students from various government schools for entering universities including IITs, IIMs and other medical colleges in Chennai on Wednesday. The Chief Minister gave out laptops and certificates to students who joined premier institutions at Anna Central University. The number of students who joined premium institutions increased this year but students joining medical colleges has reportedly dipped.
Comparing this academic year to the previous one, a considerable increase was seen in the number of students from government schools who were accepted into the top universities, said a report on IANS.
Only 75 students qualified for the academic year 2022–2023; the number has greatly increased to 247 students.
Taking to X, formerly known as Tw Tamil Nadu CM Stalin said, "Chief Minister @mkstalin felicitated the female students with certificates and laptops at an appreciation ceremony for government school students going to the premier higher education institutions of the country held at Anna Centenary Library, Chennai on behalf of the School Education Department."
The Higher Education Department reported that 77 students were admitted to the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIITs), National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM), and six students were admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) by passing the JEE exams.
All the more, six students have been admitted to National Forensic University, six students have been admitted to Indian Maritime University, 27 students to National Institute of Fashion Technology, 10 students to Indian Institute of Science Education and Research and two students have been admitted to Taiwan state University by receiving full scholarships.